Tomorrow’s tech such as the Internet of Things is being built on the bedrock of mobile communication. The only problem with that is operators are already groaning under immense cost pressure. Their ARPU is on a downslide, yet they are still expected to invest in secure mobile communications infrastructure. To do this, they will have to exploit every opportunity for savings.
Operators can slash their costs by deploying more passive components. Far more affordable than active in-building solutions, a passive system also works without electricity and is maintenance-free. The only operating cost is for that one footprint it leaves in the building. To learn more about this, see our brief posts on CAPEX and OPEX.
Passive systems can also deliver higher performance at a lower price tag than active variants. SPINNER's in-building systems feature premium components. We build our Mobile Network Combining Systems (MNCS®) individually to suit the customer’s needs. They combine the mobile radio frequencies of several operators at one point and provide high isolation between individual frequencies to prevent cross-talk. And interference-free operation means maximum bandwidth for users. This enables you to make the most of your network’s resources rather than having to expand it before its true capacity is exhausted. And your return on investment will keep the CAPEX blues at bay.
MNCS® systems are so very powerful that they can cover even the largest complexes, as Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, the Geneva Exhibition Grounds and Singapore’s Changi International Airport attest.
On top of that, MNCS® solutions are flexible enough to adapt to emerging requirements. With the benefit of a modular design, they can grow to accommodate new operators, bands and sectors at any time. Read more about this kind of future-proofing here.
Get in touch with our experts. They will be happy to help make sure your project culminates in a cost-effective yet future-proof outcome. We will build a suitable system for you, no matter how challenging the situation may be.
Save up to 60% with passive solutions
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No electricity, no air conditioning, no maintenance – no better way to save
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