SPINNER AMS with Distance-to-Fault

The SPINNER AMS (Antenna Monitoring System) has become a best practice at every broadcasting site. It protects the infrastructure by detecting faults early and triggers preventive maintenance before serious failure can occur. And now we’ve expanded its functionality to not only warn you about the problem, but also to locate it for a fast repair, saving both time and money.

Don't  Stopp Turning - SPINNER Rotary Joints for Air Traffic Surveillance Radar Systems

To dependably track aircraft movements and ensure smooth, orderly traffic while minimizing accidents, it’s essential to deploy state-of-the-art technology with components that leverage the power of digitization. SPINNER has launched a new generation of future-proof RF rotary joints that deliver a number of major benefits.

First 20:4 Multiband Combining System for 5G

You don’t need to worry about power or network management: passive in-building systems ensure excellent cellular connections, also in large, sprawling building complexes, without any operating costs at all. You can install the new 19” shelf from SPINNER today and use it tomorrow for 5G or IoT applications. You no longer need to touch the devices themselves. This adds up to maximum readiness for the future in the uncompromisingly high quality that SPINNER is known for.

Covid-19: Production up and running - Business Continuity Plan

Stay healthy – together we will get through these difficult weeks.

We are in close touch with our own suppliers and taking joint action with them to ensure the availability of all required components and materials so that our plants can continue working as usual.

Measuring of 75 Ω Line Systems

Recently SPINNER has expanded its broadcasting portfolio by adding quite a few new products for large line sizes of 6 1/8”, 7 3/16” and 8 3/16” with 75 Ω impedance, including antenna monitoring systems, adaptors and direct access units. SPINNER supplies dedicated 75Ω calibration kits for these products.

New Multiband Combining Systems: More Bandwidth and Uncompromising Quality

Shopping malls, furniture megastores and office complexes are examples of places where mobile phone users expect to be able to check websites, make calls, and send videos or photographs. But many existing solutions intended to provide seamless Internet access fall short of the mark. All they do is lump together the established 2G, 3G, and 4G (LTE) mobile bands, which in conventional systems are all contained within the frequency range between 694 and 2700 MHz.

Combined Contactless Data and Power Transmission of up to 750W for Rotating Applications - New at SPS Nuremberg!

At this year’s SPS in Nuremberg, Germany from November 26 to 28, SPINNER will exhibit an absolute novelty: combined data and power transmitters with clear inner boreholes. These modules are especially well-suited for industrial applications including robots, packaging systems, injection molding systems, and machine tools. Visit us at our booth (number 2-400) at SPS to get the first data sheets on these devices! We’re looking forward to welcoming you there.

5G Broadcast – SPINNER Makes It Possible

SPINNER is all set for 5G Broadcast! We’ve beefed up our portfolio, adding filters with bandwidths of 5, 10 and 20MHz for 5G Broadcast. SPINNER also provides 5G Broadcast filters for power classes from one to 10kW, which can be used either by themselves or integrated in combiners.

Jumpers Now Available Much Faster

Jumpers ensure better connections than manually assembled cables and plug connectors. Jumpers are extremely reliable and faster to use. And together, these two attributes help slash installation costs by up to 30%. And to make the whole process even more flexible in order to serve customers better, SPINNER is now ramping up both its jumper production capacity and available stocks.

SPINNER Products with NEX10®

As an official NEX10® licensee, SPINNER is now launching products with the NEX10® connector system. Five years after the successful introduction of 4.3-10, the next generation of even smaller plug connectors is now debuting.