SPINNER connectors have been setting standards in the industry for decades. Over the years, we have also developed special cable clamps for a vast range of uses in mobile communications. What they all share is outstanding mechanical and electrical performance to ensure an optimal connection between the connector and cable. They differ only in how they are installed and sealed and the degree of flexibility they offer for attachment to different kinds of cables. Here is an overview of the most popular cable terminations:
For helical corrugated cables
For annular corrugated cables
Watch videos on installation of SPINNER connectors
SPINNER CAF® Plast2000 connectors are available for LF cables with annular corrugated copper outer conductor. These cable clamps are especially well-suited for extremely harsh environmental conditions, e.g. high humidity, ice or contamination. In this model, the cable clamp is completely filled by injecting SPINNER Plast2000 sealing compound to rule out any chance of moisture, sand etc. penetrating into the connector. This reliably prevents internal corrosion and ensures superb electrical and mechanical performance for decades.
The video shows a SPINNER CAF® Plast2000 sealing process
SPINNER CAF® Plast2000 connectors are available in 7-16, 4.3-10 and N versions for our popular SpinnerFlex® LF cable series.
SPINNER CAF® cable clamps are quick and easy to attach in a single step and provide very effective protection against moisture and soiling. It typically takes less than two minutes to install them, since each connector is supplied as a single piece and only needs to be attached to the appropriately prepared cable end. Two systems are available for sealing our SPINNER CAF® connectors:
For helical corrugated SF cables, it is only necessary to securely screw the SPINNER CAF® connector onto the prepared cable end along with its specially shaped profile gasket for best results.
For annular corrugated LF cables, before attached the SPINNER CAF® connector an O-ring is pushed onto the outer conductor to create an airtight seal. Then the connector is slid onto it and screwed home.
Profile gasket for SF cables
SPINNER CAF® connectors are available in 7-16, 4.3-10 and N versions for our popular SF and LF SpinnerFlex® LF cables.
Our SPINNER MultiFit® connectors are the most versatile of our range. They can be quickly (in less than 2 minutes) and securely installed on any commercially available cable type in two simple steps. They come with two different sealing system versions:
For helical corrugated SF cables, sealing is accomplished by a specially shaped profile gasket that is screwed onto the outer conductor first. Then the back-nut is screwed onto the profile gasket.
Profile gasket for SF cables: connector, profile gasket and reversed profile gasket.
For annular corrugated LF cables, first an O-ring is pushed onto the outer conductor to seal it. Then the SPINNER MultiFit® connector is pushed on top of it and locked onto the outer conductor.
SPINNER MultiFit® connectors are available in 7-16, 4.3-10 and N versions for all commercially available SF and LF cables.
Mobile Communication Catalog (22 MB, 208 pages)
In-Building Wireless Solutions (2 MB, 8 pages)
PMR/TETRA Portfolio (5 MB, 24 pages)
Small Cell Connectors (2 MB, 4 pages)
SpinnerFlex® Jumpers (3 MB, 8 pages)
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SPINNER GmbHErzgießereistr. 3380335 MunichGermany
info@spinner-group.comPhone +49 (89) 12601-0