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SPINNER CPR JumperTo reduce fire hazards, with effect as of mid-2017 the EU’s Construction Products Regulation (CPR) was extended to communications cables. Now only CPR-compliant, fire-resistant cables may be installed in new buildings (see article).
The regulation currently only applies to unterminated cables that are provided with connectors at the construction site. SPINNER, however, has already gone a step further by starting to supply not only CPR-certified coaxial cables, but also suitable jumpers for them. It is our conviction that this is vital for improving the safety of people who use buildings.
“The advantage of jumpers is that they are soldered and assembled in automated processes in the factory,” says Reiner Berchtold, product marketing manager for jumpers at SPINNER. “This gives them better electrical and mechanical properties than manually installed connectors. Owing to their superior performance, jumpers are commonly used in in-building and DAS projects. Although they aren’t yet covered by the EU Construction Products Regulation, to us it made total sense to apply the same requirements to them in order to ensure optimal protection and enable fast evacuation in the event of a fire. We have presumably anticipated a requirement that the EU will eventually add to the CPR sooner or later in any case.”
The tests have already been completed, and CPR-certified jumpers are now available for in-building and DAS projects. We are therefore especially proud to now be supplying them for the first such project, a metro tunnel. Join us in ensuring a safer future!
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